Thursday, August 12, 2010

Improve Your Quality Life By Using Law Of Attraction

Mid-life crisis or not, everyone has something he wants to fix about himself. It may be a physical trait or a mental characteristic. Since change is hard and most people shy away from hard work, these people will instead wallow in self-pity and never take the steps to re-create themselves.

If only these people had heard about the laws of attraction. If they had, then they would find it very easy to accept themselves as they are or make the changes they had always wanted to make. The laws of attraction are a simple way to re-create yourself in your own ideal image and then teach others to view you in that way as well.

The laws of attraction are more than just a single rule. It is an entirely new way to live your life. It hinges on your self-perception. This may seem like a simple concept, but to truly find the core of your self-perception you have to be willing to take the time to delve deep within yourself.

Your self-perception is created through all the experiences you have gathered in your lifetime. Unfortunately, for most of us, these experiences have taught us that we are not qualified enough or smart enough or lucky enough to achieve our goals. In some cases, a single bad experience as far back as our school days can color our self-perception for the rest of our lives.

It is harder than you think. Most of our life is taken up running errands, meeting deadlines, cooking, cleaning, taking care of the kids, and - of course - sleeping. If we do get a few moments to ourselves, we generally turn on the television and turn off our brains. In order to get to know yourself, you have to take time to spend alone.

Go through an inventory of your physical, mental, and spiritual characteristics and try to describe each and every one of them in a positive light. Don't gloss over anything and don't forget anything either. Even a single negative self-perception lingering on your psyche can ruin the effects of the laws of attraction. Take all the time you need, days, weeks, months, or even years to convince yourself that you are a great person who deserves wonderful things.

After you have spent a good deal of quality time getting to know yourself, you need to start thinking of yourself in a positive light. This can actually be a very hard task. We are our own best critics. Traits that we would never even notice in other people become a blight on our self-perception. In order to utilize the laws of attraction we need to become attractive to ourselves.

Once all of your negative qualities are rephrased so that they can be in the positive quality column it is time to move onto the next step of the laws of attraction. Take your new found positive self-image and project it outward. Act as though you are successful and confident. Surprisingly, if you truly believe all those positive traits you found out about yourself, the people around you will also view you in a positive light.

After all this hard work laying the foundation, the laws of attraction are surprisingly simple. If you view yourself as a good, hardworking person, other people will also view you in that light. If you feel you are the best qualified for a job, then your potential employer may also think that way. Harness the power of positive thinking to change the way others see you. The laws of attraction are your stepping stone to the path of success.

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