Sunday, June 27, 2010

How To Be A Master Of Astral Projecting

If a person has the power or ability to break away the shackles of his physical body and travel to higher realms of consciousness in his free spirit or astral body self, the ability and the action thereof is known as astral projecting. Hence, this calls for attaining a deep trance condition through meditation in order to gain control over your sub conscious.

Astral projecting thus is a travel like no other. It is a journey of a life time that lets you transcend the boundaries of the physical universe and gives you the chance to observe yourself and the world from a higher plane of existence. It is a spiritual journey which forever changes one's perspective towards, life, death, reality, relationship and his own true potential.

The history of astral projecting can be traced back to the ancient times and across all ancient civilization, religions and cultures. It was believed in and practiced by spiritual travelers from Egypt to China and finds mention in the ancient Hindu Upanishads.

If we start from Egypt, one of the oldest civilizations of the world, astral projecting can be seen to be a concept formed around their belief in 'ka' or the immortal soul within man. They believed 'ka' to be an energy body, the immortal and omnipotent soul inside the boundaries of the physical body which had the ability to be free and to travel outside it. The proof lies in the fact that the ancient Egyptians preserved their bodies after death so that they can travel to the next world along the 'ka'.

Coming eastwards to India, secrets of astral projecting and actual experiences of the same can be found in the ancient religious scriptures of Hinduism.

Known as one of the most spiritually advanced philosophies in the world, it has always believed the concept of soul to be an omnipotent, immortal force of energy residing within the physical body of every man having the full power to do and go as it desires if its true potential is harnessed and mastered.

Traveling more eastwards till China, we see that astral projecting used to be done here through alchemical practices of creating an energy body through breathing meditation.

Thus, the Chinese involved themselves in specialized breathing techniques so as to draw in energy into a small pearl which was then circulated to form this body of energy that separated from the physical body and traveled to higher astral planes.

The topic of astral projecting in the light of the western philosophies, starting from the classical philosophies through the renaissance thoughts till the more modern theosophical beliefs consists of the concept of astral body as being the link between the soul and the physical body, the astral plane being the platform between Earth and heaven.

Thus, whatever the belief and whatever the practice in different religions over different transitions of time, it can be seen that astral projecting has forever been in vogue.

Believed in different concepts and achieved in separate practices, it is that journey of one's inner soul that can be attained by each and every human. The key to its lies in meditation, being aware of one's subconscious and gaining a certain amount of control over it in order to project it outside for this one in a life time experience.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Tapping Into Your Own Manifestation Powers

In the most basic sense of the word manifestation refers to one's ability to control the direction of their own life. In a more powerful form it is the ability to tap into the power of the mind to create the results that you want. Just like many of the mind's abilities, we are all born with an innate sense of such skills and we stop developing them when we are very young.

But we are. It's not antireligious or sacramental to determine that you have the power within your own mind to make things happen the way you want them to. Free will is the ultimate gift we were given, thus we can still be faithful individuals while learning how our own mind's abilities work for us instead of against us.

As very young children, we had very powerful minds. As we grew we were told repeatedly that we had to give up the power we found in our minds. It was childish, according to the grown ups we were surrounded with, and so little by little we allowed our minds to falter in their own abilities. Fortunately, we can take back that power if we want to.

Manifestation is still a part of our daily life. It is just a very small part and it is covered up under the word 'attitude.' We get sick and people remind us that healing is also a mental process. We chase down our goals and all the helpful people who told us to let go of our mind's capabilities now remind us that we have to stay focused. On a mundane level, this is a 'safe' form of manifestation that is acceptable in our normal circles.

The less we give our mind distractions and material that is essentially useless to developing the power of our mind's process the better we become at things like manifestation. Giving your mind idle issues to contemplate is not developing your power of manifestation. Rather, it is taking away from it. Reading material that helps you tap into your own powers helps direct your mind in that direction. Spending all of your down time developing the next level of a video game gives your mind more clutter.

The adult mind is highly cluttered which is why we have such a hard time accessing our own senses. Bills, bosses, and bull weighs heavily on our hearts and minds and prevents us from developing the mind tools that will help us take the steps right out of where we are. When we are stressed it is harder to tap into our mind's abilities.

However, if we take the time to develop our ability to clear our mind and tap into our own sense and ability we will find that we become literally much more focused and capable of completing what we are looking for.

Being able to tap into our own mind and grab our own senses becomes a lifestyle, not just the occasional endeavor. We are all able to develop our mind the way we want to but it does require a certain amount of chronic discipline. If it was an overnight process, we would all be able to think our life into a better place.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Exploring The Law Of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is a universal law which states that our lives depend on our thoughts and emotions. It is a law of creation. Despite the simplicity of this law, it is difficult to understand because it differs from everything we were used to believe. Famous people like Albert Einstein and Joseph Addison knew how to use the law of attraction. Albert Einstein said that everything is energy. Experts in quantum physics claim that you are influencing everything around you. Whether you use it consciously or not, this law is constantly in action as the law of gravity.

It seems that the law of attraction works for perfectly for millions of people around the world, who can talk you for hours about miraculous changes that took place in their lives. Most of them were able to solve problems, to find love and to heal themselves. The secret lies probably in the power of autosuggestion.

Here are the principles of the law of attraction, which you can apply to attract luck in all areas of your life, as many others do:

Consider yourself a magnet that attracts energies in accordance with the subtle vibrations produced by your thoughts and emotions. Happenings and experiences you live are the result of your thoughts. If you don't trust yourself and your ability to attract wealth, love and health, you block the positive energy, because your impatience acts as a barrier. It is said that lucky people are more detached from their ultimate purpose, leaving the laws of the universe to help them. Lucky people feel lucky and trust themselves, without being overwhelmed by problems that any human being has in every moment of his life.

Try to create a clear image of the desired life. If you need more money, don't always think that you have no money right now, but on the contrary, imagine how you spend money to buy all the things you want. Avoid complaining or saying that you're poor.

Love yourself! Only after you start to love yourself, you'll be able to handle a love relationship or any other action you undertake. Quit blaming yourself for small things or to have a negative image about everything you do. Look at you with love, accept your body and personality and be prepared to receive wonderful surprises.

You can change everything in your life just by understanding the Law of Attraction, or by choosing deliberately to focus your thoughts and actions on positive things. Do anything that makes you happy. The main idea is to start thinking positively.

The law of attraction is effective if you take into account what you had until now and what you will have from now on. Act accordingly and mobilize yourself to become exactly as you want: rich, loved, healthy and so on. Everything around us is composed of energy, so learn to focus your thoughts on your desires, benefiting fully from the energy around you.

Learn to enjoy everything you have. Although it seems normal to have a good health or to live in a nice neighborhood, it has a great importance. Just think about all those people who don't have a house of their own or who suffer from incurable diseases. That would make anything to be in your place. Be grateful and your positive thoughts will bring you even more happiness!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Use Mental Power To Heal Yourself

Follow these instructions, record them and play them back to yourself on an mp3 player, cd player, tape recorder, or anything that you have available This works! Just record and play it back to yourself and follow the instructions:

Sit down. Close your eyes and draw in a deep breath. Im not going to try to put you to sleep as it is totally unnecessary. But, I will ask you to close your eyes so that your attention cannot be distracted by anything else near you.

Now, tell yourself that every word I say is going to be implanted in your mind and be printed, ingrained and embedded on your brain. This message is going to stay permanently fixed, imprinted and embedded and without your will or knowledge; in fact, perfectly and unconsciously on your part -- you, yourself and your whole body is going to obey these commands.

1. Every day, three times a day, in the morning, at midday and in the evening at the usual meal times, you will feel a healthy sense of hunger.

2. You will experience a sensation that makes you think, I think it would be great to get something healthy to eat.

3. Then, you eat and you enjoy the flavor of the food without overeating. You are also careful to chew properly, and you transform food into some form of soft paste before you swallow.

4. By doing this, you easily digest your food in a healthy way and you feel fine in your stomach/intestines. Your body will assimilate what youve eaten and your body will make proper use of it to make blood, muscle, strength and energy, in a word -- life.

Since you have well digested your food, your bowel function will be absolutely normal and every morning on arising, you will feel the need of emptying your bowels without ever needing to take laxative medicines. Your properly eating of fruits and vegetables, grains, other healthy food items balances your entire system.

Furthermore, every night from the time you wish to go to sleep to the time you wish to awaken the next morning, you will sleep deeply, quietly and calmly without any nightmares. Upon awakening, you will feel perfectly well, cheerful and active.

If you usually suffer from feelings that werent totally happy and content; from now on, you will increase your feelings and thoughts of happiness. You will always be perfectly cheerful and happy, even without reason for your happiness.

From now on, you will be patient and with an even temperament. You will enjoy being always patient and being the master of yourself. The things that might have bothered you in the past now leave you totally unbothered and perfectly calm. There is your concept of, Dont worry, be happy.

Your mind is free from negative thoughts and negative ideas and fear. You are positive, confident, mindful and conscious of your thoughts and by being so you keep yourself on the path of being positive, confident, aware and conscious always.

If the negative thoughts creeping in, you simply say, Stop! Cancel. Cancel. Cancel. Say these words to yourself: I am King of my domain of positive living. I am filled with the light and love of the creative force. I am a winner in all things in life and I gain by helping others to help themselves. My mind, body and spirit all benefit from my positive lifestyle.

As of now, all of your organs are performing their functions perfectly. The heart beats in a normal way and the circulation of your blood takes place as it should. The lungs are carrying out their oxygenation functions and also the stomach, intestines, the liver, the kidneys and the bladder. If at present any of them is acting incorrectly, that abnormality becomes less every day so that quite soon, it will have vanished completely and the effective organ will have recovered its normal function.

If there has been any trouble in any organs in the past, they immediately start to get better from day to day and soon are totally and entirely healed. Say to yourself silently in your mind, Every day in every way, Im getting better and better and better. My unconscious mind acts upon the entire human organism for the natural, automatic healing ability.

From this moment on, any lack of self-confidence or any lack of self-trust whatsoever -- disappears little by little, day by day, and opens to accept total self-confidence based on the knowledge of the force of the incalculable power which is in all of us.

It is totally necessary for every person to have self-confidence. With it, you can accomplish far more in life. With confidence, you can accomplish whatever you want; which is good, honest, honorable, and beneficial to yourself and those you love, and the planet in general. Now, you have confidence in yourself and this confidence gives you the knowledge that you are capable of perfectly accomplishing whatever you want.

So, anything that you want to accomplish or achieve, something you always think that is easy and you make the words, no, dont, never, difficult, impossible, I cannot disappear from your vocabulary. They are not winners English. In simple English, I say, It is easy and I can do it.

By considering everything is easy, it becomes easier for you even though it might seem difficult for others. You do it easily, quickly, without stress, totally effortlessly.

You tell yourself, every day: From this moment on I am shown, guided and drawn to the right people, places, resources, information, insights and synchronizations to help me manifest what I desire.

From every point of view, physical and mental, I now enjoy excellent health.

Better health than you had ever had before.

Now I am going to count up from 1 to 3 and when I say 3 you will open your eyes and come out of the relaxed state in which you are now. You will come out of it naturally, without feeling in the least drowsy or even tired.

Really, you will feel strong, vigorous, alert, active, full of life. You will feel more cheerful and strong in every way. 1, coming up slowly feeling rejuvenated and revitalized 2, feeling better and better. 3 you are now wide awake and feeling much, much better than before.

Record it, play it back 2x a day of 21 days, and pray and believe a miracle will happen. And it will.

The Truth About Hypnosis

Hypnosis and its subset, hypnotherapy, have always been steeped in misconceptions. Some consider them to be some type of magic while others refuse to even recognize their existence. Given below are some common beliefs prevalent about hypnosis, and the real facts behind them.

There is no mysticism or rituals involved in hypnosis. It is a very easy technique, which can be understood easily with the help of psychology and other scientific procedures. Even people who have witnessed hypnosis on others usually refuse to believe in it. They believe that the people who have been under hypnosis are mentally not strong enough to withstand the influence of the practitioner. But nothing could be farther from the truth. Even people with strong will power can fall under the charms of a specialist hypnosis practitioner.

Another myth is that hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness, which again is a serious misconception. A person under hypnosis does not get shut off from the external world, but stays completely conscious of the happenings around him. Hypnosis actually brings forth a state of complete relaxation characterized by a rise in levels of attentiveness, and this heightened sensitivity helps the subject to receive new inputs with considerable ease.

Some scientific discoveries have claimed that only about 5% of the population is capable of being hypnotized, which is the third myth on this list. Researchers have come up with this low result because they have made use of the same hypnosis procedure on all subjects without focusing on their individual traits. Hypnosis can't be oversimplified like that and works only if there are different methodologies for different characters.

People also tend to equate hypnosis to meditation. However, communication between the subject and the practitioner is indispensable in hypnosis, while meditation is like an appointment with the self without any communication involved. Similarly, a period of trance is also sometimes equated with hypnosis, which is not true. The individual doesn't interact to achieve a state of trance, whereas hypnosis is impossible without communication.

A sizeable number of people believe that it is not possible to bring about alterations in one's appearance and conduct through hypnosis training or hypnotherapy. Hypnosis is clearly not wizardry that it can transform the physique of a person just like that. But it can bring about an improvement in physical health by changing behavioural patterns like overeating and chain smoking by raising inspiration levels in an individual.

If an individual believes in all the misconceptions that exist regarding hypnotherapy and doesn't venture to participate in a hypnotic session, then he will himself burn the bridge to a better and healthier life.