Sunday, September 4, 2011

Time Management - The Importance of setting Time Boundary

One of the most important factor that enables you to have control and empowerment in life is what I called setting time boundary. There are many things in life that demands our attention daily.

Identify the different tasks that you need to work on and prioritize it according to importance and urgency. Allocate specific amount of time to work on it daily and make it a point to stick to the time schedule.

Setting time boundary allows you to manage your time in way that allows you to spend more time doing important tasks that translate to productivity (results that produce benefits) while helping you to avoid spending too much time in tasks that do not help you to move closer to your goals in life.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Simple Stress Reduction Technique - Meditation & Watching Sunset

1. Practicing Meditation

Do you feel that you are constantly under stress? Are you looking into ways to reduce your stress levels? The world is seemingly becoming faster, more demanding and more pressurized. Meditation can help you to relax and become a happier person.

Stress affects people in different ways. I personally feel very tired and lethargic during these periods and start to worry about things, like a future event. Other people suffer from panic attacks, become very shaky and nervous, feel sick in the stomach or become depressed.

There are many types of meditation. You can meditate by walking, praying, sitting or visualizing. There are also more ritualized forms of meditation, such as yoga and Mandala.

Meditation helps us to control our emotions, to think in a more relaxed and positive way and certainly helps us to think more clearly. Meditating also reduces an accelerated heart rate and lowers blood pressure, both of which will help in reducing feelings of stress.

2. Watching Sunset

Every day starts with sun shedding its light upon us. Planets rotate around the sun. The sun is the reason why trees and plants are able to produce. While we rush through our things, we seldom think about the benefits of being out in the sun. In fact, many of us try to avoid the sun due to media attention on the hazards of over-exposure to the sun.

Get some sunshine into your life. Watching sunsets and sunrises can become inspirational. Artists paint these scenes on canvas. Poets write beautiful verses about them. These scenes are powerful enough to inspire you to forget about your problems and motivate you to stay positive. The best thing about a sunset is that you can enjoy watching one wherever it's convenient for you - a park, the beach, or even your car when you're stuck in traffic. Steal every possible opportunity, because watching sunset calms your mind and relieves you of some stress on your head.

The sun is the main source of life. Without sun there would be continuous darkness, the word "day" won't have existed in our vocabulary, we won't know what a tree is.

So, the next time if you feel like making the sun your enemy, think again. Be thankful and get out there to get some sun on your face. Let the sun burn up your stress.

To relieve stress quickly & naturally, check out G. Gaynor McTigue's 400 Stress-Relief Strategies. G. Gaynor McTigue is an author of bestselling "Life's Little Frustration" book. You can find out more at

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Believing in Mind Power - Surpassing Intelligence

Mind power is the only key to success of a person. I do believe in this saying, how about you? Mind power is composed of two great minds, the conscious and the subconscious mind. Conscious is the ability of the person to think of the present possibilities while subconscious mind is the one that acts behind those possibilities. Using both of these two compositions will help you achieve your dreams.

There are too many people nowadays that do not trust what their minds can do to help them become successful. They don't even think that because they don't use mind power, this is the reason behind their unhappiness and discontentment in life.

I don't intend to fight for what I believe and I cannot talk in their behalf. It's just that it so happened that they have been complaining about their life failures and still never learned. They would just end up envying successful entrepreneurs.

The reason behind these failures and misfortunes is actually improper use of mind power where they take for granted their capabilities to let their mind work for them. It would be nice to be humble but it is not wrong to dream big for yourself, loved ones and family. Why settle for less when you can do something to be successful and become an achiever?

To start with, let us know and understand what mind power is. This is actually the ability of the person to use their minds to be successful. It is their inner power that they use to be reaching their desires in life. They have properly set and motivated themselves to do something for their success and never stop until they accomplish it.

Know what you want and pursue them. Be optimistic and know how to set goals. Sooner or later you will be surprised that you are almost there because you have worked hard to reach the top. Set in your subconscious mind that you want something and that "something" must be a motivation that something must be done.

It is natural to undergo some challenges along the way. Use these imperfections to learn and become more successful. Let mistakes pass by and embrace them with all your heart; they will actually make you even stronger and eager to pursue on your dreams.

Successful entrepreneurs started from scratch, started from nothing but because they use their mind power, look where they are now. Use them as your inspiration and a guide that will lead you to your dream. Believe in yourself that you will be successful like them and be patient enough to wait for your time. Each of us has mind power and all we need is just to have positive attitude. Attitude is defined as the person's feelings and moods towards things situations and circumstances. If you imply positive attitude, no doubt, you will see yourself shining, happy and contented.

There are many people unfortunately let negative attitudes rule them, this is because they lack concentration and motivation. They also have lots of distractions that become a conflict to their dream. Believe me, if you don't know how to resist temptation and distraction you will never achieve anything.

Lastly, there are no secrets behind mind power. This comes natural to every person. Remember that it is all in your mind so dream big and live happily. Great things will be on your way just use the power of your mind.

Alexander George is a writer for the popular site. Discover the amazing experience of subconscious mind power for yourself and find out the real undisclosed secrets of mind power when you visit here and get 29 Free mp3 audios on DVD.