Monday, August 16, 2010

Power Your Mind- Understanding Your Potential

If you would like to lose a few pounds, you certainly don't have to go very far to find a solution. Just type in "weight loss" in Google and you'll get about eight trillion results.

The amount of diets and methods available to us seems to swell along with our waistlines. Most are pretty good, and can go a long way towards helping us. Many though, are confusing, and hard to put into practice without having to check some complicated chart or spreadsheet every time you want to buy or cook something.

I'd like to give you a couple of quick rules here that can take some of the guesswork out of what you should eat, so it will be easier for you to lose weight. While eating the right food is only one part of the puzzle, it's a huge part.

The biggest enemy to any weight loss plan is the wrong carbohydrates. Sure, you can eliminate the altogether, as many diets recommend. Several studies are starting to show that these can be effective, at least in the short term.

Not all carbs are bad. How do you tell which are good and which are bad? Just avoid anything that was processed. The more something was processed, generally speaking, the worse it is for you. A quick rule is that brown is better.

Brown bread over white bread. Brown pasta over yellow pasta. Brown rice over white rice. This will go a long way in reducing your sugar load, as most white carbohydrates will be treated more like pure sugar by your body, which will obviously kill your weight loss efforts.

Good fats and bad fats can be another mystery. The easy way to choose is pick natural over processed, or solid over liquid. Solid fats in fish, avocado, and nuts are good. Liquid fats in oils, and all deep fried foods, are bad. Pretty simple.

While these rules are only a rough guide, they can go a long way in helping you choose the right foods, which can support a healthy body and lifestyle.

How You Can Achieve A Stress Free Life Through Hypnosis

Hypnosis offers a way to quickly achieve any goal. With this new sense of control, you suddenly have a whole new set of tools at your fingertips that can help you get back in control of your life. What was thought of as big challenges reduced to smaller more manageable tasks. This greatly reduces the stress we experience in every day life.

Truly, the sky is the limit. Complex projects are instead now simpler projects and your potential increases exponentially.

Handle the stressful situations, get on top of them, and take care of them before they become problems that are to big to handle. Challenges that have kept you from your full potential are greatly reduced in size. Hypnosis is a tool that can help you get back into your life what was previously out of control. You also have the powerto successfully manage those fears as well. Hypnosis helps locate what you need to do to fix it. Hypnosis also allows you to achieve the life you've always wanted to live. All you have to do is use it for a few minutes a day.

Remember, stress itself doesn't necessarily go away altogether, but it certainly can become manageable. At any time if you're feeling overwhelmed by life's challenges, hypnosis will be an effective tool to use. Because now you know what you need to do in any situation. You simply see the situation for what it is, and you don't have the negative consequences of stress-- and it all starts with stress relief hypnosis." Another advantage of hypnosis is that it is easy to learn. Within minutes you can reprogram your mind to produce extraordinary results.

Stress relief hypnosis as a tool, you completely get inside your mind and removing" blocks" that have kept you from your full potential, including the stress these types of situations can bring. By accessing stress is happening and what you wish for and more.

Incidentally, stress hypnosis can help you manage the now in control, you suddenly have a whole new set of tools at your fingertips that can literally have the power to not only more relaxed so that you can actually have the power to not only more successful, and above" Just relax," detached observer" position", there is no stress in figuring out what it is, and you can take care of it.

Friday, August 13, 2010

A Look At The Power Of The Subconscious

When a person talks about an odd reoccurring dream, how many times have they said, "My subconscious must be trying to tell me something." The fact is our subconscious minds send us messages frequently that are both positive and negative.

Most often, those powerful feelings we experience are simply our subconscious mind telling us that we need to act on something. The problem is that we do not listen or even understand the messages that our subconscious is trying to relay to us.

Your Subconscious Has the Power to Hold You Back

Surprisingly of what we hear, see and experience in life is buried in our subconscious. So if as a youth you were often told that you are not worth much, that you will never meet you dreams and that you are a failure, your subconscious mind will bury those words. Later in life when you are older, you see that you have goals but no matter how hard you try, you cannot meet them because you are always running into problems that set you back.

The fact is that it is not the problems you face at all but your subconscious mind repeating the words you heard as a kid, repeating them to you, and keeping you back from meeting those goals you set.

Your Subconscious Has the Power to Push You Forward

On the other hand, the opposite holds trust that if as a youth you have been told repeatedly that you can do anything you want, and then as you get older you will be able to accomplish all you set out to do no matter how many people tell you that it cannot be done.

The Key to the Power of Your Subconscious

The aim of harnessing the power of your subconscious is to replace the negative thoughts that are there while hearing positive phrases that your subconscious is telling you. Self help masters have said that the way to raise your self-esteem is to say good things about yourself aloud. What they did not tell you are what they may not even know themselves is that by repeating these statements repeatedly we are burying these positive thoughts in our subconscious and abolishing the negative thoughts.

Once we have those positive thoughts buried just below the surface those are the thoughts that surface unbidden when we try to achieve something. Instead of getting the message, I can't do this, we are now getting the message that we can accomplish our goal and what is more, that we deserve to accomplish that goal.

Therefore, when we are faced with our goals, our subconscious is both telling us that we know how to meet the goal and we certainly deserve all the benefits from our work. This belief gives us the ability to do anything we set our minds to as long as we work hard at achieving that goal.

You will be surprised at just how much you can accomplish when you learn how to harness the power of your subconscious.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Improve Your Quality Life By Using Law Of Attraction

Mid-life crisis or not, everyone has something he wants to fix about himself. It may be a physical trait or a mental characteristic. Since change is hard and most people shy away from hard work, these people will instead wallow in self-pity and never take the steps to re-create themselves.

If only these people had heard about the laws of attraction. If they had, then they would find it very easy to accept themselves as they are or make the changes they had always wanted to make. The laws of attraction are a simple way to re-create yourself in your own ideal image and then teach others to view you in that way as well.

The laws of attraction are more than just a single rule. It is an entirely new way to live your life. It hinges on your self-perception. This may seem like a simple concept, but to truly find the core of your self-perception you have to be willing to take the time to delve deep within yourself.

Your self-perception is created through all the experiences you have gathered in your lifetime. Unfortunately, for most of us, these experiences have taught us that we are not qualified enough or smart enough or lucky enough to achieve our goals. In some cases, a single bad experience as far back as our school days can color our self-perception for the rest of our lives.

It is harder than you think. Most of our life is taken up running errands, meeting deadlines, cooking, cleaning, taking care of the kids, and - of course - sleeping. If we do get a few moments to ourselves, we generally turn on the television and turn off our brains. In order to get to know yourself, you have to take time to spend alone.

Go through an inventory of your physical, mental, and spiritual characteristics and try to describe each and every one of them in a positive light. Don't gloss over anything and don't forget anything either. Even a single negative self-perception lingering on your psyche can ruin the effects of the laws of attraction. Take all the time you need, days, weeks, months, or even years to convince yourself that you are a great person who deserves wonderful things.

After you have spent a good deal of quality time getting to know yourself, you need to start thinking of yourself in a positive light. This can actually be a very hard task. We are our own best critics. Traits that we would never even notice in other people become a blight on our self-perception. In order to utilize the laws of attraction we need to become attractive to ourselves.

Once all of your negative qualities are rephrased so that they can be in the positive quality column it is time to move onto the next step of the laws of attraction. Take your new found positive self-image and project it outward. Act as though you are successful and confident. Surprisingly, if you truly believe all those positive traits you found out about yourself, the people around you will also view you in a positive light.

After all this hard work laying the foundation, the laws of attraction are surprisingly simple. If you view yourself as a good, hardworking person, other people will also view you in that light. If you feel you are the best qualified for a job, then your potential employer may also think that way. Harness the power of positive thinking to change the way others see you. The laws of attraction are your stepping stone to the path of success.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How Hypnosis Training Can Be Of Assistance To You

Wrong notions regarding hypnosis have always been prevalent. A large number of people believe it to be some sort of a mystical practice. But hypnosis aligns more towards science and psychologists make frequent use of this procedure to cure patients of their maladies.

In hypnosis, a practitioner manipulates his patient's altered state of the mind which is fertile ground for him to implant new thoughts into the subconscious. This is exactly how mental illnesses of patients are cured by psychologists.

Many institutes of higher learning around the world offer courses on hypnosis training, which can be categorized into intermediate and advanced levels. At basic levels, students are taught the many nuances of the art and at higher levels they employ these methods to find the crux of any problem.

A person who has gone through hypnosis training finds the learning to be helpful in his professional life. Counselling jobs are available for academically qualified hypnotherapists, and several of them find themselves being appointed as child counsellors. In fact, hypnotherapy is now an acclaimed means of earning a livelihood in most countries.

Hypnosis training can also be employed on oneself. Common personality syndromes like lack of confidence can be remedied through self-hypnosis. Many renowned persons who have attained fame in their respective fields have made use of hypnosis to develop their personalities.

They have become famous public speakers, and achieved greater competence and ingenuity. Even military generals and police staff engaged in negotiations etc. are given hypnosis training to have an edge over their opponents. The power of this training is clear from the fact that even thugs involved in robbing and stealing have attained success in their illegal professions by using hypnosis.

The art of hypnosis might look mystical to several people but it's quite simple to learn it through proper hypnosis training. But a person aspiring to become a professional hypnotherapist should have enormous dedication to master this art.

The Positive Impact Of Hypnosis On Your Life

A guest post by Samuel Jones

In hypnosis, the hypnotist brings the subject into a transformed state of awareness without the use of chemicals, narcotics or drugs of any kind. It is understood that a person who has been hypnotized reaches a comfortable state, in which he is more open to suggestions. Hypnotherapy is one of the most important practical uses of the hypnosis technique.

In hypnotherapy, a person is hypnotized for the singular objective of treating his ailments. The treatment usually aims to eradicate negative thoughts from the person's consciousness.

A person who comprehends hypnosis can understand the working of human consciousness better. Hence, a hypnotherapist would know the real reasons that might be hindering a person's growth and eradicating such roadblocks with helpful thoughts could provide a huge respite to the person.

Evidence shows that a big number of cravings find an excellent cure in hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy also provides a cure to people suffering from constant anxiety and depression, and helps in raising levels of self confidence, besides offering subjects relief from pain. Even child therapy falls under the realms of hypnotherapy, as it is able to easily treat common childhood problems like bed-wetting and nightmares.

Hypnotherapy also helps in career by treating psychological issues at the workplace and therefore significantly enhancing your levels of efficiency and performance. Many people facing problems in their profession have gained greatly from it. The procedure will find out and substitute your fears of failure with boldness and positivism. Eminent politicians and business tycoons have experienced personality development through hypnotherapy, and have gone on to become better orators and experts in human management, thus excelling in their careers.

Self hypnosis is an integral part of hypnosis. It helps a person to make a trip to self realisation and treats all his destructive thinking, setting him well and truly on the path of success. It is also an excellent way to relax and can be practiced periodically as a type of mental exercise. A hypnotic session lasting an hour is equivalent to 8 short naps, hence hypnosis is also a good way to recharge your cerebral batteries and feel energized.

There are no dark arts associated with the practice of hypnosis. It is more centred on science and psychology than on anything else. Furthermore, since it is brought about without any help from drugs or other substances, it is extremely safe. It is highly recommended for persons of all ages who want to lead a happier and more fulfilling life.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Bring Abundance To Life

Making life beautiful through bringing abundance to life is the aim of all men. But most of the people are unknown about the ways of bringing abundance to life. Abundance is state in which you have mental as well as material prosperity. People are not simply gifted with abundance; all are bringing it to life through constant efforts.

Abundance doesn't mean the material richness that most men lack. It is some thing beyond it and you will identify with the beauty of world. You can bring abundance to your mind by constant effort and disciplined life style and there by you can make your life wonderful. You can bring abundance to your life by variety of ways.

You know, all the great men who enjoyed the love and respect of world were willing to promote others and shown the right way to their prosperity. This satisfaction derived out of serving other people is great and that can fill your mind with enormous joy. You can bring prosperity to your mind by helping and supporting others.

As said earlier, abundance does not mean accumulation of gold and coins. Some people think that only rich can enjoy the beauty of universe and life only gave them bad luck. There is no point in scaring and staring at life. Life every day throws windows of opportunity to every one, those who identify and make use of it can bring abundance and prosperity to their life

How to bring abundance to your life? A frequent asked question. You can bring it in to your life if you are able to control your mind and make it the way he wishes to work. If you want to gain abundance in life, strong and genuine desires are essential. Once your desires are true every ice blocks before your goal will melt down for you.

Human mind is constituted of both conscious and subconscious mind, and subconscious mind is the epicenter of power. The science of quantum abundance proves the ability of unconscious mind to bring abundance in life. A study shows that all scientists in the world tuned their mind in same way. That is they generated their strong desire in their subconscious mind and focused on it deeply and did not allow any deviation.

Though this is the case, why do men fail to achieve their goals? Answer is simple, they fail to concentrate on their aim or they will not wish any thing to happen truly. This is based on a scientific study. A study of the mind of scientist shows that all are tuned their mind in same way. That is they focus on their desire to make any difference to world and that was their only thought. That is why they won.

As said earlier subconscious mind has enormous energy to enhance and enrich your wishes. So the scientist acquired energy from their mind and moved towards their inventions. Once you started to look forward your desire no one or nothing can pull you back from the attempt. If you are true to your wishes, whatever it may be and sincere to work for it and ready to focus on it you can bring abundance to your life.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Heal Yourself With Past Therapy

Whether you are someone who is occasionally troubled by memories that do not seem to be your own, or you find that you are simply curious about knowing more about how you work as a person, you will find that past therapy is something that you need to look into.

Past life theory is the belief that we have all had past lives. Before we have lived our current life. Many philosophies back this theory up. And they will further expand on this.

There are some people who think the lives we have in the past lived have nothing to do with our present lives and are completely unrelated. While many other people feel they are definitely linked. Then there are those who feel we can learn lessons from both our past lives and our present life. With past life regression therapy we will seek to make these lessons clearer.

When you are looking at past life therapy, you need to find a hypnotist who can help you with it. There are hypnotists out there who can put you in a deep hypnotic state where you are going to be able to learn more about the world that you once lived in.

They can help you travel into your subconscious, which some specialists feel never forgets anything that happened to us. They can take you through the experiences that you have had and the lives that you have lead. Take some time and consider what your options are and make sure that you consider how you are going to be able to move forward with your experience.

The question might come up regarding how past life therapy can help you. In the first place, past life therapy can help you become mentally more at peace with yourself. One common issue that hypnotists find themselves dealing with is guilt.

People may feel very angry because of things they have done wrong, or perceived to be wrong, in their past lives. A guilt or grief which has never been resolved. They may feel because these have not been resolved, they may have carried them to their present life.

Have you ever felt strange things that had no bearing on your life, and that you should not feel? A past life hypnotist might be able to tell you why that was.

There is something else past life therapy can reveal to you. That is why you react a specific way towards water. If you have experienced drowning in a past life you could be afraid of water in your present life because of it. You meet someone and have a strong positive reaction towards them, or people who look a certain way. This could have been carried over to your present life from another person in your past life.

While these patterns are strange, it can be helpful to understand why the happen and what the root might be. It can make decision making easier in the future and it can help you move forward in your own life with your present goals.

Take some time and consider what your options are going to be and make sure that you explore what past life therapy has to offer; it can be a key to a past you never knew you had!

A Lesson From The Past: Past Life Regression

No matter how advanced science is, there are just aspects in life that are left in total darkness. Past Life Regression is the means to have access to the memories of past lives in order to understand the meaning behind physical or psychological matters that are still unexplained.

Sometimes, this method is employed to understand relationship which may affect us deeply with no reason at all. Think about a lady who started falling for a young boy at first glance or the boy who recollects from his thoughts that he is connected with someone upon first meeting him.

Past Life Regression is not a foolish belief. It has its foundation from the popular belief of reincarnation and this is normally found in the "Law of Karma". This is a principle that suggests that the soul is at a journey merged with terms such as "Existence", "Universal Consciousness", and many others. During this journey, the soul took up the physical form of the body in order to understand life's lesson along the way.

Experts believe that there are wide array of means to access the memories of our past lives.

Among the most famous means is through the practice of Hypnotism. This will submit a person into a hypnotic trance so he could go back to his past life, in order to think about those events and circumstances in graphic detail. Hypnotism as a means of Past Life Regression is effective in gathering precise details regarding the past life of an individual.

Another means to access past life is through Meditative Trance State which is a kind of guided meditation that will transport someone into his or her past life. During this process, the individual will remains conscious of the present. Once practiced, a person can take the time to do it on his own by listening to a CD / tape. He can further allow himself to go into a meditative trance without any help.

Another method would be the acupuncture that believes that there are pressure points in the whole body that can stir some of the processes in the brain. Acupuncture normally uses of precise pressure points to successfully stimulate some of the areas of the brain which are known to have a link between the memories of our past lives.

Understanding Past Life Regression will not merely allow us to see who we are back then but the process provides wide range of benefits. Those people who are looking for spiritual reasons regarding their health conditions or personal problems in life can benefit from it well.

Some people have a doubt regarding the veracity of this process. After all, theory or practices which are not scientifically related or logical are always a subject for great doubts. However, many evidences of established Past Life Regression occur. The rule is to seek those individuals who can practice the method effectively. It is established that those individuals who consider reincarnation as true can recall their past lives efficiently while those who simply do not consider the authenticity of reincarnation can hardly ever recall their past lives.

The topic of Past Life Regression is something to mull with. It can open up the answers to even the greatest questions that humanity can ask for.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Astral Projecting To Infinity And Beyond

Many find astral projecting to be something which is hard to do at first. While each and every one of us has this ability naturally, there are a number of things which can be stumbling blocks along the way as we try to become better at astral projecting. However, its like riding a bike " you havent forgotten how, you just need practice if you want to become expert at this technique.

Perhaps the most difficult thing to do when learning to astral project is being able to relax your body and mind totally " both are necessary in order to learn astral projecting. There are several different techniques which can help you to relax, including muscle and breathing relaxation methods.

Since relaxation is such a common challenge, it is important to understand that the environment can play a large role in helping you to relax. If your environment is relaxing then it will be much easier for you to relax. To help prepare and get the most from your efforts to relax here are some tips.

*Wear loose clothes or light clothing. Consider removing jewelry since the contact with skin can be distracting.

*You need a dimply lit or dark room for astral projecting - not so dark that you cant see anything, but certainly dark enough that you dont have light penetrating through your closed eyelids.

*Lying in a position where your head is to the north and your feet to the south is a perfect position. You should be able to figure out where north is by watching the sun as it rises in the east and sets in the west. Arrange the room so you can lie in this position.

*You should also make sure that you are completely comfortable. The temperature of the room should keep you comfortable and not too hot or too cold. You may want to adjust your clothing so that you are a good temperature.

*The room that you will be in should be quiet and free from distractions. Make sure that during the time you are practicing astral projection that you will not have a lot of noise or other distractions.

*You can now move to relaxation where you will use the relaxation techniques that you have chosen to completely relax.

*Give yourself a mental suggestion so that you can remember what happens during your session. Simply telling yourself that you will remember can help. Have a pen and paper nearby so when you are finished you can record what you remember. Making records will be helpful to allow you to remember what happened.

*Slow your body down by taking deep breaths.

*Direct your gaze to a point of darkness directly a head of your eyes.

*Move your focus to about a foot away and then to six feet away. Focus on this point and ensure that you focus first a foot away and then six feet away.

*Now create a line that runs from that point at six feet away parallel to your body. Go up from the point at a 90 degree angle and then create this parallel line.

These steps and tips are great preparation for astral projection. You must note t6hat mental control is an important part of the process. If you cannot control yourself mentally then you could end up bouncing around the astral plane without any direction. You need control so you can direct what happens when you are astral projecting.

Some of those who astral project do this so they may speak to their family that has passed away and are no longer with them. Many do this in order to take care of matter that would not be able to happen in the real world. Many who do even know they have done. It is thought that we all have astral projected at one time or another. Some of the more vivid dreams may actually have been an out of body experience. If you can train yourself to do this while conscious, you will have better odds of remembering the session and what happened while you were doing it.