Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sprudio Subliminal Cd Success & Prosperity - Financial Abundance - Millionaire Mind Program Become Rich with the Power of Your Mind.

Sprudio Subliminal Cd Success & Prosperity - Financial Abundance - Millionaire Mind Program Become Rich with the Power of Your Mind.CD with Nature Sound: The affirmations and suggestions are "buried" in the Ocean Waves Sound; all you hear is The Ocean Waves and the Nature Sound. Final Track Silent, can be used anywhere.

There is not sound to be heard by conscious mind. Certain attitudes and principles are shared by wealthy, successful business people. For example, 'can do' and 'never, ever give up.' Enthusiasm is key to success, as well. Organize your thoughts on paper - and above all, think big: Never Stop Thinking Big! Convince your subconscious of these ideas and more, with the help of this subliminal CD; once you really believe you can do it, there is no stopping you! NLP, brainwave generator, and a silent track at the finish for use any time, any place. Good Luck!


Click here to buy from Amazon

Friday, November 26, 2010

How to Harness the Hidden Power of Failure

How to Harness the Hidden Power of FailureYou no longer need to be afraid to fail. You can now begin the most important step in achieving what really matters most to you. Dr. Nerenberg gives the formula.


Click here to buy from Amazon

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Beyond Belief

Beyond BeliefEmbark on a journey of expanded awareness Beyond Belief. This innovative film reveals the role beliefs and the subconscious mind play in creating your experience.

Uncover the source of limiting beliefs that stop you from having what you want. This film features some of the world's best selling authors and leaders in science, psychology, personal transformation, holistic healing, mind & body energy, spirituality and creativity including: Jack Canfield, Julia Cameron, Bruce Lipton, Sandra Anne Taylor, Marci Shimoff, Joe Vitale, Bob Doyle, Stewart Emery, David Hamilton, Jonathan Ellerby, Darren Weissman, Timothy Freke, Robert Dilts, Tad & Adriana James, Amit Goswami, Elaine Hendrix and others. Beyond Belief combines stunning graphics, colorful imagery and captivating sould to deliver a compelling message.

 This movie provides tools to release limiting beliefs and remove obstacles that are blocking you. Discover the powerful resources you have buried deep inside. Unleash the potential of your creative mind. Wake your dream life.

Price: $29.95

Click here to buy from Amazon

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Beyond Belief Audio CD Version

Beyond Belief Audio CD VersionThis is the CD Audio Version of the transformational documentary Beyond Belief.

Beyond Belief examines the role beliefs play in creating our experience and it explores the power of the subconscious mind. Uncover the source of 'limiting beliefs' which can stop you from creating what you want. This CD provides tools to remove obstacles that are blocking you.

Unleash the power of your creative mind! This CD features experts from The Secret, What the Bleep Do We Know and many others including some of the world's top authors, researchers, psychologists, scientists, personal transformation experts, success coaches, healers and spiritual leaders.

Beyond Belief is an invaluable resource for anyone who wants to create the life of their dreams.

Price: $19.95

Click here to buy from Amazon

Friday, November 19, 2010

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind 2 [CD on Demand]

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind 2 [CD on Demand]In The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, Dr. Joseph Murphy gives you the tools you will need to unlock the awesome powers of your subconscious mind.

You can improve your relationships, your finances, your physical well-being. Once you learn how to use this unbelievably powerful force there is nothing you will not be able to accomplish.

Join the millions of people who have already unlocked the power of their subconscious minds. I urge you to study this book and apply the techniques outlined therein; and as you do, I feel absolutely convinced that you will lay hold of a miracle-working power that will lift you up from confusion, misery, melancholy, and failure, and guide you to your true place, solve your difficulties, sever you from emotional and physical bondage, and place you on the royal road to freedom, happiness, and peace of mind.- Dr. Joseph Murphy This product is manufactured on demand using CD-R recordable media.'s standard return policy will apply.

Price: $19.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

Monday, November 15, 2010

Improve Your Golf Game With Power Of Your Subconcious Mind!

If you like golf, and would love to improve your game with virtually no effort, then I've got great news for you. In this article you'll learn how to use self hypnosis and the power of your subconscious mind to improve any aspect of your game. It's quick, it's easy, and it only takes ten or fifteen minutes a day.

The secret to golf, as is the secret to any other activity, is imagination and visualization. Ask any expert, and they'll tell you that a huge part of their success is solid, steady, visualization. When you envisage something, you are giving straight instructions to your subconscious mind on how you want to perform.

Think about a golf swing, a tee shot if you will. Do you think specially about what angle you are opening the club face, or how far back to go on the back swing? Do you identify precisely what slant with which the club face strikes the ball? Most certainly not.

If you are akin to most people, you have a vague idea of what direction you'd like the ball to go in. Then you swing away, and hope for the best. Unfortunately, this infrequently works with any amount of consistency. Sometimes you get fortunate, and hit one straight down the center, other times you don't even trouble yourself looking for your ball.

So how do you tap into your influential subconscious mind to improve your game? Simple. Unite some authoritative statements, with some strong visualizations, and repeat them in a relaxed, almost sleepy state.

For example, if you'd like a better tee-shot, you may say something like this:

I always drive my ball right down the middle of the fairway. Hitting straight shots off the tee is normal for me. My friends are jealous of my dependable tee shot.

While you are saying this, see in your mind's eye your ball going right down the middle of the fairway. Visualize hearing your friends talking about what a wonderful shot it is. Imagine how you feel when you hit such a great shot.

The most excellent time to say this to yourself, and employ your visualization is to get in a relaxed, almost sleeping state. Sit in a cozy chair, take a few deep breaths and seal your eyes. Envision seeing the numbers starting with ten, and going down to one. When you get to one, take several yawning breaths, and simply say "relax" to yourself softly.

Then start to leisurely and silently repeat your declaration to yourself, while seeing the ball go right down the core.

If you do this two or three times a day for a week or two, you will distinguish some dramatic improvements in your tee shot. Once you've got that part of your game down, you can work on your fairway shots, you short game, your putting, and every other portion of the game.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind To Change Your Life

Have you ever wondered how you can harness the power of your subconscious mind to make improvements in your life?

The mind can seem like a complex, complicated place, but it's not. First there is your conscious mind - the mind most people are aware of - and then there is your subconscious mind where your dreams, private thoughts, and powers lie.

You are using your subconscious mind power every day that you are alive. Most people do not even realize it, but this part of the mind has the ability to help you transform your entire life without even trying.

Perhaps you grew up with people telling you that you were worth nothing. Due to this you grew up feeling insecure with few friends, many doubts and missed opportunities, feeling as though you were cursed with bad luck, and always unhappy. Why did this happen to you? Because what you believe to be true you make true.

It all starts with the power of your subconscious mind. You can convince yourself that you deserve nothing just as well as you can convince yourself that you deserve everything you want.

Once you sit down and tell yourself that you deserve to get what you truly want, then you'll soon start to get it. Look in the mirror and tell yourself, "I deserve that good job, I deserve to be happy, I deserve a good house, nice car, and everything else!" and truly make yourself believe it, you will soon find yourself receiving it.

The whole idea of these things becoming a reality may seem a little far-fetched, but it's not. How can simply believing that something wonderful will come to pass actually happen? Well first, you have to sit down and think about what you want.

If it helps, you can write everything down. Go ahead and jot down everything from the way you want to look to the things you want to have. The next step is the easiest part because all you have to do is pretend that you are already there.

When you have unleashed the power of your subconscious mind, getting what you want is simple. This simple belief in the power of your mind has worked for millions of people around the world. It's so simple that many people discount it, and doubt it works, but by believing in good things, good things will start to happen.

So, why does this work so effectively? Because it helps you to change your actions. Think about all of those times you expected a negative outcome to occur. It happened, didn't it? If you are spending your days thinking about how terrible you are and how much you don't deserve anything, then you are not going to be motivated to go after anything. You are also going to attract negative people and circumstances into your life that will not get you anywhere.

Open yourself up to the power of your subconscious mind every day. It may not be easy at first to change the way you have lived your life, but that's only because you haven't had practice in being happy and open.

In only a little while, your state of mind will completely transform into something much more positive, and your entire outlook will become brighter. What you will end up with is a life full of opportunities, positive people, an outgoing personality, and ultimately, the life that you want.

Explore the phenomena of using your mind power by visiting the popular website. Find out how to develop subconscious mind powers yourself and understand the mind power system when you visit here and get your FREE video and audio DVD Package.

Guest post by David Gaul

Friday, November 5, 2010

Gratitude Abundance - Be Grateful For What You Have

Are you a grateful person? Gratitude abundance will teach you to be grateful for many little things that you already have in order to get the things you need.

A grateful attitude can help you to overcome the negative thinking that may rule your life. You do not have to look far to find many things you should be grateful for.

One of life's greatest blessings is health. Persons who are no longer healthy will remind you that they should have been more grateful when they had their health. Persons having health are able to start again even when everything else is lost. They may regain lost items and rebuild items of importance.

Most of the persons reading this article have a warm shelter in which they reside, yet around the world today millions of persons would be grateful if they had the smallest of rooms of our homes for their entire family to spend the night protected from the rain, heat of cold that they will be sleeping in tonight.

If you are reading this, you likely have electricity in your home. You have a computer and power. Think of the millions to whom such luxuries do not exist.

Are you grateful for the food that lines your cabinets tonight. Millions of children as well as their parents will go to be hungry tonight. These families are not just in third world countries but can be in your own state, city or even on your own street. If most of us do not want to eat what is in our homes we can jump in the car and pick up fast food without a second thought.

Take time to be grateful for your job. Remember that in the recent downturn in the economy many people have lost their jobs as well as their primary means of supporting families. Even so, many will have at least a year's eligibility to unemployment compensation. Without leaving their home, they have money coming into the home on a weekly basis.

Think about your family of origin Most persons found this family offered love and appreciation as they grew to adulthood. Tonight, children will go to bed in a strange home in foster care. A judge may randomly move them to another home without reason at any time. Other children remain in abusive homes and go to bed in fear every night hoping that their fears do not turn into reality.

With many things to be grateful for, many people still live life focused on only the negative things that have happened. They choose to focus on what they do not have rather on the blessings that are a part of life. The result of their negative thinking is those very things they long for are being pushed away from their lives.

Gratitude abundance teaches you to start being thankful for the little things and as you change your way of thinking you will begin to use positive thinking to receive those things you do need in order to be very happy.

Why not look at the amazing world of creating abundance from the popular site. If you have been disappointed in the past, find out the real secrets of successfully using Laws Attraction by visiting here and watching the amazing Law Attraction Video.